Prayer Support
We value prayer and face many obstacles as a parachurch ministry. We know the real victories happen through committed prayer partners.
Regular Check-ins
We believe that staying connected to our ministry partners is important. Pastoral care, check-ins, and updates are valued. We commit to making sure you are receiving impact updates, needs, and prayer requests from our ministry.
Ongoing Volunteers
We need volunteers, and volunteers need us! Volunteering time at Mercy House Global is a great way for people to see the ministry their church is investing in.
Ministry Spotlight
As a ministry partner, we agree to highlight your ministry on our website and in email correspondence throughout the year. We ask that you agree to highlight our ministry in correspondence with your congregation.
Financial Support
Mercy House Global is able to care for vulnerable people in ways that sometimes the local church cannot. When a church calls MHG a ministry partner, it is understood they are also offering regular monetary support (in any amount) to help accomplish the vision of the organization.
Resource Sharing
Mercy House Global does not have any assets in the USA, and we have limited resources. We value a ministry partner offering to share their resources when needed.